Supersonic air travel to be back

The time period of supersonic flights ended when it was the Concorde that completed its last flight between New York and London in 2003. The charm of ultrafast air travel still resides in the hearts of people.

US president Joe Biden has shown interest regarding supersonic flights when discussed his plan of infrastructure. United Airlines said its plan is to order 15 jets that can travel faster than the speed of sound. It can increase its order up to 35 planes.

Boom Supersonic is said to have raised $250 million from capital firms and other investors. Its intention is to introduce aircraft in 2025.

It has to overcome many barriers including securing approval from Federal Aviation Administration. Some manufacturers have made mistake when introducing new designed planes.

United Airlines is attempting to get back on its feet after pandemic. The airline announced a $18 million investment for electric air taxi startup.

Boom is planning to make planes for Japan too. Earlier, supersonic flight travels lost strength because there were no suitable engines available for supersonic jets.

Boom will be working with Rolls-Royce to make jet engine more efficient than Concorde.

In previous years, people had concerns about the effect of air travel on climate change.

Supersonic jets are expected to use more fuel that can be made from waste, plants and other organic matter. Fuel wil be a bit expensive. But, will not emit greenhouse gases.

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Published by Siddhartha Dhap

I am Writer.I have done Post Graduation from Manipal University Jaipur. I like reading books and writing.

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